Some basic background about me:
- In Nov 2007, I married my prince in shiny armor.
- In Dec 2007, I was diagnosed with MS.
- I work full-time. I commute 2 hours each day. If the workload allows, I work from home on Tuesdays and/or Fridays.
- I had been trying to find out what the numbness was that had been progressing the last couple of years. The numbness sensation started out in the right foot. Then it moved to the left foot. Now, I experience lower leg tightness/tingling in both legs. I have weakness in my quadriceps and hamstrings. I have tightness around my knees.
- I'm noticing a pattern - the knees seem to get especially tight every month/month-and-a-half, soon after the menstrual cycle. It seems to last 1 week/1.5 week.
- I have back pain, which is abating.
- I have had bladder symptoms for many years.
I'm taking Copaxone. Under some holistic guidance, I'm also taking vitamins to strengthen my structural and muscular system and so forth. I believe I will be healed. The mighty Lord can heal this. He wants to heal every one. God bless you.
Today, I discovered Jenn's helpful MS Journey site searching on google: